How to Find Students and…Why You Don’t!
for Freelance Teachers
The Entrepreneurial Freelance Teacher runs a small business to solve problems of a specific person at a profit. It means knowing how to maintain a healthy teaching business by finding all the students you want to teach. It means knowing how to avoid under-earning by not underpricing your services.
- Strategies for Marketing and Sales
- Strategies for Pricing (to avoid under-earning)
- Strategies on how to find Students
Where Do You Start?
You start by reading short articles and tips. The information is comprehensive, informative, and easy to follow. You’ll also find step-by-step instructions and checklists in many articles.
A Library Full Of Ideas, Solutions And Resources
for when you have to cope with problems like these…
- Not getting enough customers or students
Not retaining customers or students - Not being adequately paid for your experience and qualifications (low earnings)
- Not being able to ask for earnings appropriate to your experience and qualifications
- Lack of security and reoccurring income
- Coping with too much versus not enough work
- Not being visible on the market (students don’t know you exist)
- Not getting the right type of student (that you prefer teaching)
- Loneliness and Isolation: Alone and solving problems by yourself
- Dealing with anxiety and stress